Texas Research Ramblers
Genealogical Society

Preserving history in Bryan-College Station and the Brazos Valley

Ramblers Events

Since COVID-19 We have transitioned to both in-person and Zoom for our meetngs which are held on the last Wednesday of the month at 9:30. In addition we have a mid-month meeting via Zoom only. . Some may not care for Zoom, however, this has enabled us to have speakers from all over the state and even from England at a much better rate than having to pay for travel expenses, so there are advantages. Below are some of our upcoming meetings and events:

Monthly Programs

January 29, 2025
“The 200th Anniversary of the founding of Austin’s Colony”

Henry Mayo, Rambelers Member and Surveyor

February 26, 2025
Colonial Era Handwriting

Assisting the members in deciphering and reading 16th-18th century handwriting in Colonial America and Britain. Unusual handwriting strokes, abbreviations, and other practices that tend to confuse genealogists and historical researchers

Sueellen Dunn, Carnegie Library

March 26, 2025
Texas Mission Trails- A Historical Perspective

A look at our Texas Missions

Linda Attaway, Ramblers Member

Statewide Conferences/Events

National Conferences/Events