Ramblers Events
Since COVID-19 We have transitioned to both in-person and Zoom for our meetngs which are held on the last Wednesday of the month at 9:30. In addition we have a mid-month meeting via Zoom only. . Some may not care for Zoom, however, this has enabled us to have speakers from all over the state and even from England at a much better rate than having to pay for travel expenses, so there are advantages. Below are some of our upcoming meetings and events:
Monthly Programs
August 28, 2024
Dealing with Records Loss: Fire, Flood, or Theft, Strategies to Overcome the Loss
We all face it:record loss. Whether the courthouse burned, the clerk tossed them, the relative, autograph hunter, lawyer or surveyor took them, they succumbed to heat, humidity, insects or fading ink or war or distance from the courthouse which was a barrier to their creation - the records that we want - the records that could answer your questions aren't there.
Kelvin Myers
September 25, 2024
Runaway Scrape
With a prelude to his book that will be released in December, we will get a narrative account of the evacuation of the Texians in 1836 which was redeemed by the defeat of the Mexican army and the creation of the Republic of Texas.
Stephen Hardin, Professor Emeritus and Texas Historian
October 25, 2024
Statewide Conferences/Events
National Conferences/Events