Texas Research Ramblers
Genealogical Society

Preserving history in Bryan-College Station and the Brazos Valley

Bible Transcriptions

Family Bibles can be a treasure trove of data that might be lost to the ages if the person owning the Bible does not share that information. We all have heard the horror stories of family Bibles being sold at flea markets or on e-bay or destroyed because the owner did not care about the history of the family. Texas Research Ramblers would like to help preserve these records that might be lost to future generations by placing digital images and transcriptions of family Bibles on our web-site.

If you have a Family Bible in your possession and are willing to share the family information that it contains, we invite you to submit the following:

If you have access to a Bible record that was copied at an earlier date and has been authorized as a true   transcription, it will also be accepted. Please include the date (approximate year) that the information was copied and the name of the person making the transcription.

If you would a copy of our transcription more and additional information, please contact the Texas Research Ramblers