** Condition of
cemetery as observed on the given date -
may not be representative of care at other times of the year
Scale: Excellent - Good - Fair - Poor - Abandoned
of Abbreviations:
R = Right side of road; L = Left side of road; BC =
Back center; C = Center
d/s = double stone; t/s = triple stone; q/s quadruple stone
s/o = son of ; d/o = daughter of; c/o = child of; m/o = mother of; h/o = husband of; w/o =
wife of;
FS = Footstone; FHM = Funeral Home Marker; MM = Military Marker; SRC - Source; BCGS = Brazos County Genealogical Society; BCGSQ = Brazos County Genealogical Society Quarterly; TDR = Texas Death Records; SSDI = Social Security Death Index; WOW = Woodman of the World
Note: Copyright © 2005- by Texas Research Ramblers Genealogical Society, Inc. This information may be used by libraries, genealogical & historical societies and individuals for their own personal use,however,
commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. N one of the information on the cemetery pages, partial or in total, may be used by any person
or organization, electronically or otherwise, for the purpose of profiteering. All copies and "links" to this page must contain this location reference as its source.
PLEASE NOTE: These are NOT official records, only TOMBSTONE
INSCRIPTIONS. If you desire official information about this cemetery,
please contact the organization responsible for its records. This is a
PARTIAL listing of readable headstones.